Disclosure: Mining metrics are calculated based on a network hash rate of 109,422 GH/s and using a USD exchange rate of 1 ETH = $ 1310.59..Block reward is fixed at 0 ETH and future block reward reductions are not taken into account. The average block time used in the calculation is 0 seconds. The electricity price used in generating these metrics is $ 0.12 per kWh..

Bitcoin $17231.50 Ethereum $1310.59 Ethereum Classic $21.36 Dash $50.14 Litecoin $81.80 Monero $159.63 Zcash $44.14 Ravencoin $0.02 Expanse $0.01 Ubiq $0.03 ZenCash $8.81 LBRY Credits $0.01 Game Credits $0.03 CannabisCoin $0.00 Startcoin $0.00 FlorinCoin $0.11 MonetaryUnit $0.00 Megacoin $0.00 Decred $19.01 Siacoin $0.00 Pascal Coin $0.11 Peercoin $0.37 Catcoin $0.00 Verge $0.00 DigiByte $0.01 Novacoin $0.02 Auroracoin $1.23 BitcoinGold $13.57 Electroneum $0.00 Pirl $0.00 Sumokoin $0.01 Zclassic $0.04 Komodo $0.20 Hush $0.03 Orbitcoin $0.13 Vertcoin $0.15 Quark $0.00 Monacoin $405.93

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